
IT technical memo of networking

Pandora FMS NetFlow analyze and IP address management

FlowCollector was considering than before, as the IP address management system, the introduction of Pandora FMS.
Pandora FMS is widely known along with, such as ZABBIX as integrated monitoring system of open source.
In addition, there is also a support of as Enterprise Edition, has been adopted by such Rakuten and BIGLOBE.
Rakuten: Japanese big web service company
BIGLOBE: Japanese Internet Service Provider

In terms of the use of the system study

Upon system adopted, it is discussed in the following viewpoints.

Viewpoints Reason
Open Source Decrease cost and easy to maintain
OS Linux(CentOS) Decrease cost. Win is required License
Web UI Anyone can easily use a client unnecessary
Japanese correspondence A high hurdle of it's English members deployed
NetFlow/sFlow Support device can't use NetFlow

Why Pandora FMS?

Although the integrated monitoring system and IP address management system, which is also commonly used in other large, are feeling the superiority in Pandora FMS at a point as follows, respectively.
Although there is a place you want to make a detailed comparison, these systems UX (User eXperience) is important, important to try out for the time being.

System Function Deficiencies
ZABBIX Integrated monitoring NOT support NetFlow
Hinemos Integrated monitoring NOT support NetFlow, Dedicated app
ManageEngine Integrated monitoring NOT OSS, Pay
Paessler PRTG Integrated monitoring NOT OSS, Free but Win
nProbe FlowCollector ntopng is OSS, but nProbe (NetFlow) needs pay license
flow-tools FlowCollector Poor Japanese information
FlowScan FlowCollector Old
phpIPAM IP address management GOOD, but can be included in Pandora FMS
RackTables IP address management Difficult to use

It was decided to adopt a Pandora FMS in comparison, such as the above.
I think that going to promote the network traffic analysis and IP address management continue to install.


Preview the NetFlow function in Pandora FMS is below
Pandora FMS NetFlow分析機能の弱点 - designetwork

This Blog is English Version of my JP's.

Sorry if my English sentences are incorrect.
