
IT technical memo of networking


SSH to CentOS with Chromebook Secure Shell public key authentication

With Secure Shell provided with Chromebook (Google Chrome), you can run Linux (CentOS) server without TeraTerm on Chromebook. In this procedure, switching to developer mode is unnecessary. Generate public key Copy the public key / private …

Android Application cannot be installed to chromebook

Chromebook I have a mobile notebook PC. That the Android app is now available, there has been a great additional specifications. However, I have not been able to download and use the Android app from Google Play. To introduce Unfortunately…

VPN from Chromebook Acer C720 to ASA5505 (L2TP / IPsec PSK) ( in failure )

This is the English version of My Japanese blog. Sorry in machine translation. Soon I'll rewrite. The VPN connection in order to use the seamless on the go the Chromebook. Because you are considering the use of remote desktop at home PC an…

This Blog is English Version of my JP's.

Sorry if my English sentences are incorrect.
