
IT technical memo of networking

Install BOSH on OpenStack

Basically install BOSH on OpenStack as described here. Although it is possible to work with CentOS that is used as a host of OpenStack, in my environment using PackStack, did not work well because o…

(Queens)Build practical standalone OpenStack verification environment with PackStack

Since OpenStack Queens has been released, we verify from installation to initial use. Using PackStack, which can easily build OpenStack environment, build a practical OpenStack verification environment with a little customization. OpenStac…

SSH key pair is not imported in OpenStack external network diagram

When building OpenStack for verification and deploying CirrOS, the SSH key pair was not imported, and an issue occurred that CANNOT login to the instance by the SSH private-public key. OS is similar for CirrOS and Debian. (Switch to passwo…

DS-Lite (IPv4 over IPv6) Internet connection with VyOS

This article implemented DS-Lite Internet access at ZOOT NATIVE & CentOS. However, it is troublesome (problem of familiarity) to operate CentOS (Linux) as a router, so build an equivalent DS-Lite environment …

DS-Lite (IPv4 over IPv6) Internet connection with CentOS

This article tested Internet access speedup by IPv6 connection, but IPv6 Plus (MAP-E) provided by @nifty requires dedicated equipment, the Cisco ASA5505, VyOS, Linux etc. can only perform simple IPoE connection , It was not possible to spe…

IPv6 connection to the Internet with the Cisco ASA 5505 and NAPT

Since the speed of home Internet has slowed and dissatisfaction has become bigger, I will try to introduce IPv6 aiming for improvement. Although there are restrictions for continued use of the Cisco ASA, it was possible to construct a mini…

Evaluate Reporting CSV Export function of Kibana 6.x

Kibana 's long - awaited feature, the ability to CSV - export search results on the Discover tab. It is finally implemented from Version 6. I can not wait for the GA release, I tried the Alpha version. Kibana 6.0.0-alpha2 is rel…

Patch to Kibana 5 and export CSV from the Discover tab

In this article I built a feature addition version that can be exported from Discover tab of Kibana, but honestly it took quite a lot of trouble. Over time, there seems to be someone who created the same func…

Turn on/off iTerm's Vim scroll setting (not use .vimrc)

Change the scroll setting when switching to Vim screen with iTerm 2 popular as a MacBook terminal. I often see an article saying .vimrc the following setting, but it did not work well in my environment. vi ~/.vimrc set mouse=a This time, n…

Suppress Non-Zero Metrics log with Filebeat

As described in this article, Beats (Filebeat) is sending Fluentd in a simple log. I noticed that the following logs occurred frequently among them. It seems to be a mechanism of Beats' s Metrics monitoring, …

Beats (Filebeat) logs to Fluentd tag routing

Beats is a lightweight log shipper with a buffer and retransmission function (acknowledgment), and installing it on the server that generates logs makes it easy to analyze logs in Elasticsearch. I usually use Fluentd (td-agent) as the main…

ESXi hosting diagram with Home Lab and VyOS

My colleague said, "I want to study servers at home, but there is only an old PC (32 bit) and I can not build ESXi." In order to provide a verification environment, I built ESXi hosting environment in my home laboratory. I am using ESXi v6…

Setting to add X-Forwarded-Proto in BIG-IP

When load balancing HTTP/S with F5 BIG-IP, make S-NAT and add X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. The setting method of this time is based on the information of this discussion.…

BIG-IP VE cannot be deployed to ESXi6.5 by postNFCData failed

I attempted to deploy F5 BIG-IP VE (Virtual Edition) to VMware ESXi 6.5 for evaluation, but an error occurred and the deployment failed. As a result, ALL, LTM's OVA image could not be deployed, and deployment succeeded with 1 SLOT model. E…

Two pairs of RAID1 with 4HDDs and mount to ESXi (PowerEdge T110 II PERC H200A)

Add HDD to Dell PowerEdge T110 II used as home server. The existing DISK uses the initial installed RAID controller PERC H200A and has a RAID1 configuration. Since up to four HDDs can be connected to the controller, the remaining two are a…

This Blog is English Version of my JP's.

Sorry if my English sentences are incorrect.
